See also:
(Executive Recruitment) Crayons to Computers - Erin Wisecup, chair of the board
"It was a gift to work with Anne. I had the daunting and critical task of finding our next CEO for Crayons to Computers. Thankfully, Anne was referred to us. From the first meeting with her, I knew she was the right fit for our board. Following our incredible experience with her, I would recommend that she is a fit for anyone who is looking for THE expert in the non-profit sector - from strategic planning to fundraising to executive search. Anne's network is powerful and expansive. She is thoughtful and objective and genuinely matches her approach to your need. As a board, it is not often you must choose the next leader for your organization. With Anne's guidance, we had the utmost confidence that we would find the right candidate, and we did." (June 2017)
(Strategic Planning) GRAD Cincinnati - Patricia Stewart-Adams
"As a former principal and current Executive Director of GRAD Cincinnati, I know how hard it can be to get a group of distinct personalities on the same page. Anne worked wonderfully with my organization's board of directors for a day-long strategic planning retreat. She kept everyone focused and on-task all while keeping the day fun and enjoyable. I most appreciate the time she took to understand the organization's past, present and future. From the initial meeting to the completed and bound final plan, Anne was a consummate professional and joy to work with." (May 2017)
(Strategic Planning and General Consulting) Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank - Megan Fischer, CEO & Founder
"Meeting Anne has been one of the highlights of my (thus far) short nonprofit career, and I can honestly say I’m not sure how successful we would be right now without her guidance and encouragement. Her knowledge of every aspect of the nonprofit world and what an organization needs to succeed within it is unparalleled, and incredibly valuable to not only brand new organizations like ours, but established ones as well. She has lent her expertise in development, staffing, grant writing, organizational structure and more, and most recently led our Board of Directors through an amazing day of strategic planning. The final deliverable was simply amazing. The most wonderful thing about working with Anne, however, is that you don’t just get a skilled consultant—you get a friend. She truly cares about her clients and their organizations and her passion for the nonprofit sector and her community spills over to the relationships she forms as she works to me you and your nonprofit better. I am so thankful to have met Anne, and can’t wait to figure out the next project to hire her for! " (March 2017)
(Board Retreat) Brigid’s Path - Bob Hausmann, Chair of the Board
"Anne was referred to us by a colleague in Cincinnati and presented as someone who could help with fundraising. After the initial meeting, it became clear that she was also strong in board development and training. Brigid’s Path is a nascent nonprofit in Dayton, Ohio and we serve a population that no one else does – babies who are born with drug addictions. Anne listened to what the board needed and designed a day-long training session focused on our mission and tasks that we as board members needed to embrace. She has a lot of energy and passion for what she does and all of us are grateful for her assistance. She ,too, is an excellent facilitator who brings a wealth of knowledge and a bit of humor with her … " (April 2016)
(Strategic Planning) Girls on the Run (GOTR) - Mary Gaertner, Executive Director
“Investing in Anne Maxfield’s services was the best choice for GOTR. In the past three years, we have undergone talent transitions and needed the guidance of a professional to help take our organization from good to great. Our board is full of engaged and talented individuals … we are confident in the three-year strategic plan that Anne helped us to craft … the staff is excited to have a tangible action plan in place. As the director, I am thankful to have more concrete goals to tie to our staff progress reviews … thanks to Anne’s direction, our team clearly knows where we want to go and how we want to get there.” (March 2016)
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Anne M. Maxfield, LLC | 1411 Amsterdam Road | Park Hills, KY 41011
mobile 859-801-9355 |