nothing is more important than

your mission.


Provide leadership transition support, succession  planning, and executive search/ recruitment.


Consultation, project management, and implementation for innovative, results-oriented strategies to improve development operations and generate revenue through fundraising.

GOVERNANCE, strategy,  AND operations

Assessment of overall agency operations, design of methods to help nonprofit organizations grow, strategic planning, board  of directors training, document development, and retreats.

the only constant is Change.

The nonprofit landscape and how it is impacted by philanthropy continues to evolve. Operations, board governance, executive recruitment, and fundraising are very different in 2024 compared to ten years ago. As an independent consultant, Anne Maxfield has experience in both the private and nonprofit sector and uses what she has learned to her clients' benefit. 

Call or write today to see how Anne may be able to help you grow your nonprofit. Click/tap here to read what Anne's clients say about her work.